Chapter 6: A Dreadful Deliverance Crusoe, somewhat recovered, walks ar ترجمة - Chapter 6: A Dreadful Deliverance Crusoe, somewhat recovered, walks ar العربية كيف أقول

Chapter 6: A Dreadful Deliverance C

Chapter 6: A Dreadful Deliverance

Crusoe, somewhat recovered, walks around the island and shows joy over his deliverance. He then realizes that he has no clothes other than what he is wearing, and nothing to eat or drink. All he has in the world is a knife, a pipe, and a little tobacco. He puts some tobacco in his mouth, finds a stick with which to arm himself, and climbs a tree, where he sleeps until the next day.

When he wakes up, Crusoe finds that the waves have lifted the sinking ship and driven her closer to the shore. By noon, the tide ebbs even further, and the ship is just a quarter of a mile away. Crusoe swims to the ship and climbs aboard, gathering the things needed for survival. With supplies on board, he constructs a makeshift raft. He then empties three sea chests and lowers them onto the raft. He fills the chests with provisions, tools, weapons, powder, and shot.

When he returns to the island on the raft, he explores to find a suitable place to set up camp. He builds a crude hut to shelter him from the weather and wild animals. The next day he swims out to the ship and builds another raft and loads it with more powder, bullets, shot, clothes, and bedding. Once again, he returns safely to the island. He then makes a tent with a sail and some poles; he stores the articles that rain or sun could damage under the tent. During the next few days, he regularly goes to the ship and brings back all he can. One night the wind blows very hard, and the next morning when he looks out, the ship is gone.
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
الفصل 6: خلاص المروعة كروزو، استعادت إلى حد ما، يمشي حول الجزيرة، ويظهر الفرح عبر له النجاة. ثم أنه يدرك أنه ليس لديه أي ملابس خلاف ما يرتدي، وليس لتناول الطعام أو الشراب. كل ما لديه في العالم هو سكين، وأنابيب، والتبغ قليلاً. يضع بعض التبغ في فمه، ويجد عصا لتسليح نفسه معها، ويصعد شجرة، حيث أنه ينام حتى اليوم التالي.عندما يستيقظ، يجد كروزو أن الأمواج قد رفعت غرق السفينة ودافع لها أقرب إلى الشاطئ. قبل الظهر، المد تتأرجح صعودا حتى كذلك، والسفينة فقط ربع ميل. كروزو تسبح إلى السفينة ويصعد على متن، جمع الأشياء اللازمة للبقاء على قيد الحياة. مع الإمدادات على متنها، أنه يبني طوف مؤقتة. ثم يصب ثلاثة البحر صدورهم ويخفض لهم على الطوافة. أنه يملأ الصدور بأحكام، والأدوات والأسلحة، ومسحوق والنار.عندما يعود إلى الجزيرة على الطوافة، أنه يستكشف لإيجاد مكان مناسب لإقامة معسكر. أنه يبني كوخ خام مأوى له من الطقس والحيوانات البرية. اليوم التالي كان يسبح بها إلى السفينة ويبني طوف آخر وتحميله مع أكثر مسحوق والرصاص، والرصاص، والملابس والفراش. مرة أخرى، يعود بأمان إلى الجزيرة. ثم أنه يجعل خيمة شراع وبعض أقطاب؛ محلات أنه يمكن أن يلحق الضرر مقالات المطر أو الشمس تحت الخيمة. خلال الأيام القليلة القادمة، بانتظام يذهب إلى السفينة ويعيد كل ما في وسعه. ليلة واحدة تهب الرياح جد، وفي صباح اليوم التالي عندما يبدو أنه، السفينة ذهب.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
Chapter 6: A Dreadful Deliverance

Crusoe, somewhat recovered, walks around the island and shows joy over his deliverance. He then realizes that he has no clothes other than what he is wearing, and nothing to eat or drink. All he has in the world is a knife, a pipe, and a little tobacco. He puts some tobacco in his mouth, finds a stick with which to arm himself, and climbs a tree, where he sleeps until the next day.

When he wakes up, Crusoe finds that the waves have lifted the sinking ship and driven her closer to the shore. By noon, the tide ebbs even further, and the ship is just a quarter of a mile away. Crusoe swims to the ship and climbs aboard, gathering the things needed for survival. With supplies on board, he constructs a makeshift raft. He then empties three sea chests and lowers them onto the raft. He fills the chests with provisions, tools, weapons, powder, and shot.

When he returns to the island on the raft, he explores to find a suitable place to set up camp. He builds a crude hut to shelter him from the weather and wild animals. The next day he swims out to the ship and builds another raft and loads it with more powder, bullets, shot, clothes, and bedding. Once again, he returns safely to the island. He then makes a tent with a sail and some poles; he stores the articles that rain or sun could damage under the tent. During the next few days, he regularly goes to the ship and brings back all he can. One night the wind blows very hard, and the next morning when he looks out, the ship is gone.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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