31600:20:50,560 --> 00:20:51,470I'm sorry.31700:20:52,560 --> 00:20:54 ترجمة - 31600:20:50,560 --> 00:20:51,470I'm sorry.31700:20:52,560 --> 00:20:54 العربية كيف أقول

31600:20:50,560 --> 00:20:51,470I'm

00:20:50,560 --> 00:20:51,470
I'm sorry.

00:20:52,560 --> 00:20:54,232
I was talking to Robert.

00:20:57,040 --> 00:20:59,156
I was getting a bit worried.

00:21:02,720 --> 00:21:03,869
I'm sorry. Really.

00:21:04,560 --> 00:21:05,754
I had a few drinks too.

00:21:05,920 --> 00:21:07,592
I can see.

00:21:08,520 --> 00:21:09,839
Is it very noticeable?

00:21:10,600 --> 00:21:13,398
And you couldn't tell me
because you forgot your mobile.

00:21:13,960 --> 00:21:16,394
So what's the point
of having a mobile?

00:21:16,960 --> 00:21:18,996
I've spoiled your afternoon.

00:21:22,480 --> 00:21:25,040
- So what have you been doing?
- Waiting.

00:21:27,520 --> 00:21:29,715
Manu got soaked bathing the dog.

00:21:30,360 --> 00:21:32,828
Why did you do it on your own?

00:21:33,000 --> 00:21:34,274
You didn't come.

00:21:34,560 --> 00:21:35,993
I've given her a name.

00:21:36,200 --> 00:21:37,918
What is it?
You're soaking wet.

00:21:38,080 --> 00:21:39,911
Mummy doesn't like it.

00:21:41,120 --> 00:21:42,075
Which do you prefer?

00:21:42,600 --> 00:21:46,718
As we're giving it to the vet,
we don't need to give it a name.

00:21:50,400 --> 00:21:51,389

00:21:52,080 --> 00:21:53,638
- Seen any toads?
- Yes.

00:21:53,760 --> 00:21:55,352
- What about mushrooms?
- No.

00:21:55,520 --> 00:21:56,555

00:21:57,240 --> 00:21:58,992
We're going for a walk.

00:22:08,080 --> 00:22:10,230
We are keeping
the dog, aren't we?

00:22:10,520 --> 00:22:11,953
Sure there aren't any mushrooms?

00:22:12,440 --> 00:22:13,953
Perhaps in these holes.

00:22:14,240 --> 00:22:15,992
- What, toads?
- Yes.

00:22:16,200 --> 00:22:17,792
No, those are molehills.

00:22:26,960 --> 00:22:29,520
- Hello.
- Hello, Natalia.

00:22:29,720 --> 00:22:30,869
- How are you?
- Am I late?

00:22:31,040 --> 00:22:33,156
You've had your nose
pierced again.

00:22:33,320 --> 00:22:34,753
Looks good, doesn't it?

00:22:34,920 --> 00:22:37,388
- There's food in the fridge.
- I've eaten.

00:22:37,560 --> 00:22:39,039
- Well, if you get hungry...
- Okay.

00:22:39,200 --> 00:22:42,670
Manu's had his supper.
Oh, there's a dog in the house.

00:22:42,840 --> 00:22:44,637
- A dog?
- And it bites.

00:22:47,600 --> 00:22:49,352
I'm really scared of dogs.

00:22:49,480 --> 00:22:51,038
Don't take any notice of him.

00:22:51,200 --> 00:22:54,829
- We'll be back for your body at 2.
- Daniel!

00:22:55,000 --> 00:22:56,513
Stay out as late as you like.

00:23:03,200 --> 00:23:03,996

00:23:04,880 --> 00:23:06,757
- What?
- Grab the dog.

00:23:06,920 --> 00:23:08,114
I'm coming in.

00:23:10,160 --> 00:23:13,391
We're not going
to find anything here.

00:23:14,600 --> 00:23:16,477
- Shall we go to Pals?
- Pals?

00:23:16,640 --> 00:23:19,074
It'll be just as bad,
if not worse.

00:23:28,480 --> 00:23:29,993
- Hello.
- Hello.

00:23:31,280 --> 00:23:34,590
We were looking for somewhere to eat
but I think we'll have to forget it.

00:23:34,760 --> 00:23:37,832
I'm over there with Tomas.
Come and sit with us.

00:23:38,160 --> 00:23:39,229
Shall we?

00:23:39,600 --> 00:23:41,113
Go on.

00:23:42,040 --> 00:23:43,553
Fancy a pizza?

00:23:44,360 --> 00:23:45,713
I'll go and tell Tomas.

00:23:50,160 --> 00:23:52,469
It's best to have
several boards.

00:23:52,680 --> 00:23:56,798
For instance, for small waves,
the long board's best.

00:23:56,960 --> 00:24:00,077
But if you want
to do a few tricks...

00:24:00,240 --> 00:24:02,595
I'm not sure I want to do tricks.

00:24:02,760 --> 00:24:04,512
No, it was just an example.

00:24:04,680 --> 00:24:08,468
But if you want to do a few tricks,
a small board's best. You see?

00:24:08,640 --> 00:24:09,516
Yes, I see.

00:24:10,600 --> 00:24:13,068
It sounds silly but
you have to start somewhere.

00:24:13,240 --> 00:24:15,879
You've got something
on your face.

00:24:16,720 --> 00:24:18,233
Hold still.

00:24:21,000 --> 00:24:22,228
Looks like cream.

00:24:22,400 --> 00:24:23,469
That's it.

00:24:25,880 --> 00:24:29,395
Sorry, did that bother you?

00:24:29,560 --> 00:24:31,118
No, no, not at all.

00:24:32,600 --> 00:24:35,876
If I've got something
on my face I prefer to be told.

00:24:36,400 --> 00:24:38,436
People are afraid to speak up.

00:24:38,800 --> 00:24:41,030
I prefer to be told...

00:24:41,200 --> 00:24:42,872
So I won't look silly.

00:24:44,200 --> 00:24:47,237
Though I didn't mean
you looked silly...

00:24:47,760 --> 00:24:50,320
You know, when you've got
snot on your face

00:24:50,480 --> 00:24:53,870
and everybody can see it
but they're afraid to tell you,

00:24:54,040 --> 00:24:55,996
and you're there
in front of everybody...

00:24:56,120 --> 00:24:58,759
Well, I prefer
to be told about it.

00:25:02,640 --> 00:25:04,676
Don't you prefer to be told?

00:25:06,640 --> 00:25:10,553
- Yeah, sure. We prefer to be told.
- Anyway...

00:25:10,720 --> 00:25:13,871
We've got the babysitter in,
so we'd better be going.

00:25:15,120 --> 00:25:17,190
- Let me treat.
- No, we'll go halves.

00:25:25,360 --> 00:25:26,270
He's nice.

00:25:27,200 --> 00:25:28,235

00:25:29,200 --> 00:25:30,155
What time do you open?

00:25:30,320 --> 00:25:31,833
- Late.
- Late, right?

00:25:32,000 --> 00:25:34,116
- And you're on holiday.
- It's okay by me.

00:25:34,280 --> 00:25:36,396
- That's that then. Hi.
- Hello.

00:25:36,560 --> 00:25:39,472
I was asking you all
back to my place for a drink.

00:25:39,640 --> 00:25:40,709
We were going home.

00:25:40,880 --> 00:25:44,031
- There's no real hurry.
- You are on holiday, you know.

00:25:44,160 --> 00:25:45,354
- Coming then?
- Good.

00:25:46,160 --> 00:25:49,709
I'll take Ana in my car.
You know the way, so go with Daniel.

00:25:49,840 --> 00:25:52,195
See you at my place.

00:25:54,160 --> 00:25:55,798
Where's your car?

00:25:57,760 --> 00:25:59,193
The car?

00:25:59,840 --> 00:26:02,115
I think I left it
near the seafront.

00:26:02,520 --> 00:26:04,033
Let's go that way then.

00:26:04,200 --> 00:26:05,872
You follow us in your car.

00:26:06,320 --> 00:26:07,435

00:26:27,040 --> 00:26:28,109
I need a pee.

00:26:28,560 --> 00:26:29,788

00:26:30,080 --> 00:26:31,115
I need a pee.

00:26:33,920 --> 00:26:36,718
Can't you hold on a little?

00:26:37,520 --> 00:26:38,839
No, I don't think I can.

00:26:41,680 --> 00:26:42,829
Shall I stop?

00:26:43,440 --> 00:26:44,759
Yes, please.

00:26:51,360 --> 00:26:52,713

00:26:54,680 --> 00:26:55,749
What the...?

00:26:56,440 --> 00:26:57,953
What the fuck!

00:26:59,200 --> 00:27:02,590
Fucking bastard
son of a bitch car!

00:27:09,760 --> 00:27:10,988
I've made you a drink.

00:27:11,160 --> 00:27:12,559
Whisky, gin and tonic...

00:27:12,720 --> 00:27:15,359
I've had a lot of wine.
Just a tonic water.

00:27:15,520 --> 00:27:18,432
Don't disappoint me.
You must have a drink.

00:27:18,600 --> 00:27:20,716
Just a tonic water, thanks.

00:27:21,440 --> 00:27:23,078
This gin and tonic's harmless.

00:27:23,320 --> 00:27:25,914
- Harmless?
- Completely.

00:27:53,280 --> 00:27:55,589
Got a tissue?
To dry myself with.

00:27:55,760 --> 00:27:58,069
Maybe in the glove compartment.

00:27:58,240 --> 00:27:59,992
- Here.
- Thanks.

00:28:09,800 --> 00:28:11,358
Let's look at the sea a minute.

00:28:11,520 --> 00:28:13,715
- It's lovely.
- The sea? Yes.

00:28:28,160 --> 00:28:32,199
Do men like watching girls
when they're peeing?

00:28:33,120 --> 00:28:34,030

00:28:37,200 --> 00:28:38,792
Well... I don't know.

00:28:39,440 --> 00:28:41,271
No, I mean

00:28:41,520 --> 00:28:44,956
does it turn you on
or do you think it's nasty?

00:28:46,280 --> 00:28:47,633

00:28:47,880 --> 00:28:48,949
Maybe what?

00:28:49,440 --> 00:28:52,750
Well... maybe...

00:28:52,920 --> 00:28:54,638
Maybe it turns us on, I mean.

00:28:57,600 --> 00:28:59,909
Have you ever watched Ana
having a pee,

00:29:00,040 --> 00:29:02,554
when she was sitting
on the toilet?

00:29:02,720 --> 00:29:06,508
I don't know, I suppose so.
I can't remember.

00:29:06,840 --> 00:29:09,638
- The things you say...
- It's just that

00:29:10,160 --> 00:29:12,594
I like talking about
things like that.

00:29:13,880 --> 00:29:17,077
- People don't talk about things.
- No, they don't.

00:29:17,800 --> 00:29:19,438
Not even men among themselves?

00:29:21,760 --> 00:29:23,637
Sometimes perhaps.

00:29:29,240 --> 00:29:33,313
- Did you watch me peeing?
- Me? No. Why do you ask?

00:29:33,760 --> 00:29:34,636

00:29:37,600 --> 00:29:39,511
The sea's lovely, isn't it?

00:29:40,040 --> 00:29:41,029
Yes, it is lovely.

00:29:47,320 --> 00:29:48,799
You've been married 8 years?

00:29:49,560 --> 00:29:53,997
Almost nine, though we've lived
together for about eleven.

00:29:54,760 --> 00:29:57,354
- Are you married?
- No. Separated.

00:29:57,800 --> 00:29:59,199
Marta tells me you paint.

00:29:59,360 --> 00:30:02,636
Well, yes... I'm what
they call a frustrated painter.

00:30:02,800 --> 00:30:06,588
I teach. As they say, "If you know
how, you don't teach and..."

00:30:06,760 --> 00:30:08,557
"If you don't know how,
you teach.
من: الكشف التلقائي
إلى: العربية
النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
31600:20:50,560 --> 00:20:51,470I'm sorry.31700:20:52,560 --> 00:20:54,232I was talking to Robert.31800:20:57,040 --> 00:20:59,156I was getting a bit worried.31900:21:02,720 --> 00:21:03,869I'm sorry. Really.32000:21:04,560 --> 00:21:05,754I had a few drinks too.32100:21:05,920 --> 00:21:07,592I can see.32200:21:08,520 --> 00:21:09,839Is it very noticeable?32300:21:10,600 --> 00:21:13,398And you couldn't tell mebecause you forgot your mobile.32400:21:13,960 --> 00:21:16,394So what's the pointof having a mobile?32500:21:16,960 --> 00:21:18,996I've spoiled your afternoon.32600:21:22,480 --> 00:21:25,040- So what have you been doing?- Waiting.32700:21:27,520 --> 00:21:29,715Manu got soaked bathing the dog.32800:21:30,360 --> 00:21:32,828Why did you do it on your own?32900:21:33,000 --> 00:21:34,274You didn't come.33000:21:34,560 --> 00:21:35,993I've given her a name.33100:21:36,200 --> 00:21:37,918What is it?You're soaking wet.33200:21:38,080 --> 00:21:39,911Pearl.Mummy doesn't like it.33300:21:41,120 --> 00:21:42,075Which do you prefer?33400:21:42,600 --> 00:21:46,718As we're giving it to the vet,we don't need to give it a name.33500:21:50,400 --> 00:21:51,389Anyway...33600:21:52,080 --> 00:21:53,638- Seen any toads?- Yes.33700:21:53,760 --> 00:21:55,352- What about mushrooms?- No.33800:21:55,520 --> 00:21:56,555Really?33900:21:57,240 --> 00:21:58,992We're going for a walk.34000:22:08,080 --> 00:22:10,230We are keepingthe dog, aren't we?34100:22:10,520 --> 00:22:11,953Sure there aren't any mushrooms?34200:22:12,440 --> 00:22:13,953Perhaps in these holes.34300:22:14,240 --> 00:22:15,992- What, toads?- Yes.34400:22:16,200 --> 00:22:17,792No, those are molehills.34500:22:26,960 --> 00:22:29,520- Hello.- Hello, Natalia.34600:22:29,720 --> 00:22:30,869- How are you?- Am I late?34700:22:31,040 --> 00:22:33,156You've had your nosepierced again.34800:22:33,320 --> 00:22:34,753Looks good, doesn't it?34900:22:34,920 --> 00:22:37,388- There's food in the fridge.- I've eaten.35000:22:37,560 --> 00:22:39,039- Well, if you get hungry...- Okay.35100:22:39,200 --> 00:22:42,670Manu's had his supper.Oh, there's a dog in the house.35200:22:42,840 --> 00:22:44,637- A dog?- And it bites.35300:22:47,600 --> 00:22:49,352I'm really scared of dogs.35400:22:49,480 --> 00:22:51,038Don't take any notice of him.35500:22:51,200 --> 00:22:54,829- We'll be back for your body at 2.- Daniel!35600:22:55,000 --> 00:22:56,513Stay out as late as you like.35700:23:03,200 --> 00:23:03,996Manu!35800:23:04,880 --> 00:23:06,757- What?- Grab the dog.35900:23:06,920 --> 00:23:08,114I'm coming in.36000:23:10,160 --> 00:23:13,391We're not goingto find anything here.36100:23:14,600 --> 00:23:16,477- Shall we go to Pals?- Pals?36200:23:16,640 --> 00:23:19,074It'll be just as bad,if not worse.36300:23:28,480 --> 00:23:29,993- Hello.- Hello.36400:23:31,280 --> 00:23:34,590We were looking for somewhere to eatbut I think we'll have to forget it.36500:23:34,760 --> 00:23:37,832I'm over there with Tomas.Come and sit with us.36600:23:38,160 --> 00:23:39,229Shall we?36700:23:39,600 --> 00:23:41,113Go on.36800:23:42,040 --> 00:23:43,553Fancy a pizza?36900:23:44,360 --> 00:23:45,713I'll go and tell Tomas.37000:23:50,160 --> 00:23:52,469It's best to haveseveral boards.37100:23:52,680 --> 00:23:56,798For instance, for small waves,the long board's best.37200:23:56,960 --> 00:24:00,077But if you wantto do a few tricks...37300:24:00,240 --> 00:24:02,595I'm not sure I want to do tricks.37400:24:02,760 --> 00:24:04,512No, it was just an example.37500:24:04,680 --> 00:24:08,468But if you want to do a few tricks,a small board's best. You see?37600:24:08,640 --> 00:24:09,516Yes, I see.37700:24:10,600 --> 00:24:13,068It sounds silly butyou have to start somewhere.37800:24:13,240 --> 00:24:15,879You've got somethingon your face.37900:24:16,720 --> 00:24:18,233Hold still.38000:24:21,000 --> 00:24:22,228Looks like cream.38100:24:22,400 --> 00:24:23,469That's it.38200:24:25,880 --> 00:24:29,395Sorry, did that bother you?38300:24:29,560 --> 00:24:31,118No, no, not at all.38400:24:32,600 --> 00:24:35,876If I've got somethingon my face I prefer to be told.38500:24:36,400 --> 00:24:38,436People are afraid to speak up.38600:24:38,800 --> 00:24:41,030I prefer to be told...38700:24:41,200 --> 00:24:42,872So I won't look silly.38800:24:44,200 --> 00:24:47,237Though I didn't meanyou looked silly...38900:24:47,760 --> 00:24:50,320You know, when you've gotsnot on your face39000:24:50,480 --> 00:24:53,870and everybody can see itbut they're afraid to tell you,39100:24:54,040 --> 00:24:55,996and you're therein front of everybody...39200:24:56,120 --> 00:24:58,759Well, I preferto be told about it.39300:25:02,640 --> 00:25:04,676Don't you prefer to be told?39400:25:06,640 --> 00:25:10,553- Yeah, sure. We prefer to be told.- Anyway...39500:25:10,720 --> 00:25:13,871We've got the babysitter in,so we'd better be going.39600:25:15,120 --> 00:25:17,190- Let me treat.- No, we'll go halves.39700:25:25,360 --> 00:25:26,270He's nice.39800:25:27,200 --> 00:25:28,235Well...39900:25:29,200 --> 00:25:30,155What time do you open?40000:25:30,320 --> 00:25:31,833- Late.- Late, right?40100:25:32,000 --> 00:25:34,116- And you're on holiday.- It's okay by me.40200:25:34,280 --> 00:25:36,396- That's that then. Hi.- Hello.40300:25:36,560 --> 00:25:39,472I was asking you allback to my place for a drink.40400:25:39,640 --> 00:25:40,709We were going home.40500:25:40,880 --> 00:25:44,031- There's no real hurry.- You are on holiday, you know.40600:25:44,160 --> 00:25:45,354- Coming then?- Good.40700:25:46,160 --> 00:25:49,709I'll take Ana in my car.You know the way, so go with Daniel.40800:25:49,840 --> 00:25:52,195See you at my place.Bye.40900:25:54,160 --> 00:25:55,798Where's your car?41000:25:57,760 --> 00:25:59,193The car?41100:25:59,840 --> 00:26:02,115I think I left itnear the seafront.41200:26:02,520 --> 00:26:04,033Let's go that way then.41300:26:04,200 --> 00:26:05,872You follow us in your car.41400:26:06,320 --> 00:26:07,435Okay.41500:26:27,040 --> 00:26:28,109I need a pee.41600:26:28,560 --> 00:26:29,788What?41700:26:30,080 --> 00:26:31,115I need a pee.41800:26:33,920 --> 00:26:36,718Can't you hold on a little?41900:26:37,520 --> 00:26:38,839No, I don't think I can.42000:26:41,680 --> 00:26:42,829Shall I stop?42100:26:43,440 --> 00:26:44,759Yes, please.42200:26:51,360 --> 00:26:52,713Shit!42300:26:54,680 --> 00:26:55,749What the...?42400:26:56,440 --> 00:26:57,953What the fuck!42500:26:59,200 --> 00:27:02,590Fucking bastardson of a bitch car!42600:27:09,760 --> 00:27:10,988I've made you a drink.42700:27:11,160 --> 00:27:12,559Whisky, gin and tonic...42800:27:12,720 --> 00:27:15,359I've had a lot of wine.Just a tonic water.42900:27:15,520 --> 00:27:18,432Don't disappoint me.You must have a drink.43000:27:18,600 --> 00:27:20,716Just a tonic water, thanks.43100:27:21,440 --> 00:27:23,078This gin and tonic's harmless.43200:27:23,320 --> 00:27:25,914- Harmless?- Completely.43300:27:53,280 --> 00:27:55,589Got a tissue?To dry myself with.43400:27:55,760 --> 00:27:58,069Maybe in the glove compartment.43500:27:58,240 --> 00:27:59,992- Here.- Thanks.43600:28:09,800 --> 00:28:11,358Let's look at the sea a minute.43700:28:11,520 --> 00:28:13,715- It's lovely.- The sea? Yes.43800:28:28,160 --> 00:28:32,199Do men like watching girlswhen they're peeing?43900:28:33,120 --> 00:28:34,030What?44000:28:37,200 --> 00:28:38,792Well... I don't know.44100:28:39,440 --> 00:28:41,271No, I mean44200:28:41,520 --> 00:28:44,956does it turn you onor do you think it's nasty?44300:28:46,280 --> 00:28:47,633Maybe.44400:28:47,880 --> 00:28:48,949Maybe what?44500:28:49,440 --> 00:28:52,750Well... maybe...44600:28:52,920 --> 00:28:54,638Maybe it turns us on, I mean.44700:28:57,600 --> 00:28:59,909Have you ever watched Anahaving a pee,44800:29:00,040 --> 00:29:02,554when she was sittingon the toilet?44900:29:02,720 --> 00:29:06,508I don't know, I suppose so.I can't remember.45000:29:06,840 --> 00:29:09,638- The things you say...- It's just that45100:29:10,160 --> 00:29:12,594I like talking aboutthings like that.45200:29:13,880 --> 00:29:17,077- People don't talk about things.- No, they don't.45300:29:17,800 --> 00:29:19,438Not even men among themselves?45400:29:21,760 --> 00:29:23,637Sometimes perhaps.45500:29:29,240 --> 00:29:33,313- Did you watch me peeing?- Me? No. Why do you ask?45600:29:33,760 --> 00:29:34,636No.45700:29:37,600 --> 00:29:39,511The sea's lovely, isn't it?45800:29:40,040 --> 00:29:41,029Yes, it is lovely.45900:29:47,320 --> 00:29:48,799You've been married 8 years?46000:29:49,560 --> 00:29:53,997Almost nine, though we've livedtogether for about eleven.46100:29:54,760 --> 00:29:57,354- Are you married?- No. Separated.46200:29:57,800 --> 00:29:59,199Marta tells me you paint.46300:29:59,360 --> 00:30:02,636Well, yes... I'm whatthey call a frustrated painter.46400:30:02,800 --> 00:30:06,588I teach. As they say, "If you knowhow, you don't teach and..."46500:30:06,760 --> 00:30:08,557"If you don't know how,you teach.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
00: 20: 50560 -> 00: 20: 51470
أنا آسف. 317 00: 20: 52560 -> 00: 20: 54232 كنت أتحدث إلى روبرت. 318 00: 20: 57040 -> 00: 20: 59156 . كنت الحصول على بعض الشيء القلقون 319 00: 21: 02720 -> 00: 21: 03869 أنا حقا آسف .. 320 00: 21: - 05754: 04560> 00: 21 المشروبات I كان عدد قليل من TOO. 321 00: 21: 05920 -> 00: 21: 07592 انظر I CAN. 322 00: 21: 08520 -> 00: 21: 09839 هل هو ملحوظ جدا؟ 323 00: 21: 10،600 -> 00: 21: 13398 وأنت لا يمكن أن تقول لي لأنك نسيت الجوال الخاص بك. 324 00: 21: 13960 -> 00: 21: 16394 لذا ما هي نقطة من وجود موبايل؟ 325 00: 21: 16،960 -> 00: 21: 18996 لقد أفسد بعد الظهر لديك. 326 00: 21: 22480 -> 00: 21: 25040 - تم حتى ماذا تفعل؟ - الانتظار. 327 00: 21: 27520 -> 00: 21: 29715 مانو الاستحمام غارقة حصلت على الكلب. 328 00: 21: 30360 -> 00: 21: 32828 لماذا تفعل ذلك بنفسك؟ 329 00: 21: 33،000 -> 00: 21: 34274 . لم تقم تعال 330 00: 21: 34،560 -> 00: 21: 35993 لقد أعطاها اسما. 331 00: 21: 36،200 -> 00: 21: 37918 ؟ ما هو عليه . كنت مبللا 332 00:21: 38080 -> 00: 21: 39911 لؤلؤة. المومياء لا ترغب في ذلك. 333 00: 21: 41120 -> 00: 21: 42075 والتي تفضل؟ 334 00: 21: 42،600 -> 00:21: 46718 ومنحنا إلى التعليم والتدريب المهني، نحن لسنا بحاجة إلى إعطائها اسما. 335 00: 21: 50،400 -> 00: 21: 51389 على أي حال ... 336 00: 21: 52080 -> 00 : 21: 53638 - تواجد أي الضفادع؟ - نعم. 337 00: 21: 53760 -> 00: 21: 55352 - ماذا عن الفطر؟ - رقم 338 00: 21: 55520 -> 00: 21: 56555 حقا؟ 339 00: 21: 57240 -> 00: 21: 58992 ونحن في طريقنا للنزهة. 340 00: 22: 08080 -> 00: 22: 10230 اننا نبقي ؟ الكلب، ليست WE 341 00: 22: 10520 -> 00: 22: 11953 بالتأكيد لا توجد أي الفطر؟ 342 00: 22: 12440 -> 00: 22: 13953 لعل هذه الثقوب في. 343 00: 22: 14240 -> 00:22 : 15،992 - ما، الضفادع؟ - نعم. 344 00: 22: 16،200 -> 00: 22: 17792 . لا، تلك هي الأكوام الترابية 345 00: 22: 26960 -> 00: 22: 29520 - مرحبا - مرحبا، . ناتاليا 346 00: 22: 29720 -> 00: 22: 30869 ؟ - كيف حالك - هل أنا في وقت متأخر؟ 347 00: 22: 31040 -> 00: 22: 33156 كنت قد أنفك اخترقت مرة أخرى. 348 00: 22: 33320 -> 00: 22: 34753 تبدو جيدة، أليس كذلك؟ 349 00: 22: 34920 -> 00: 22: 37388 - هناك الغذائي في الثلاجة . - أنا كنت يؤكل من 350 00 : 22: 37560 -> 00: 22: 39039 - حسنا، إذا كنت تحصل على الجياع ... - حسنا. 351 00: 22: 39،200 -> 00: 22: 42670 مانو HAD صاحب العشاء. أوه، وهناك كلب في المنزل. 352 00: 22: 42840 -> 00: 22: 44637 - كلب؟ - وذلك لدغات. 353 00: 22: 47600 -> 00: 22: 49352 . أنا خائفة حقا من الكلاب 354 00 : 22: 49480 -> 00: 22: 51038 لا تأخذ أي إشعار من HIM. 355 00: 22: 51،200 -> 00: 22: 54829 - سنكون العودة لجسمك في 2. - دانيال! 356 00: 22: 55،000 -> 00: 22: 56513 البقاء بعيدا في وقت متأخر كما تريد. 357 00: 23: 03200 -> 00: 23: 03996 مانو! 358 00: 23: 04880 -> 00:23 : 06757 - ماذا؟ - الاستيلاء على الكلب. 359 00: 23: 06920 -> 00: 23: 08114 أنا قادمة. 360 00: 23: 10160 -> 00: 23: 13391 نحن لن ل العثور على أي شيء هنا 361 00: 23: 14،600 -> 00: 23: 16477 - نذهب إلى بالس؟ - بالس؟ 362 00: 23: 16640 -> 00: 23: 19074 وسوف يكون القدر من السوء، . إن لم تكن أسوأ 363 00: 23: 28480 -> 00: 23: 29993 - مرحبا. - مرحبا. 364 00: 23: 31،280 -> 00: 23: 34590 كنا نبحث عن مكان لتناول الطعام ولكن نحن اعتقد " سيكون لديك لننسى ذلك. 365 00: 23: 34760 -> 00: 23: 37832 أنا هناك مع توماس. تعال وأجلس مع الولايات المتحدة. 366 00: 23: 38160 -> 00: 23: 39229 الشال WE ؟ 367 00: 23: 39،600 -> 00: 23: 41113 الذهاب جرا. 368 00: 23: 42040 -> 00: 23: 43553 يتوهم بيتزا؟ 369 00: 23: 44360 -> 00: 23: 45713 سوف اذهب وأخبر توماس. 370 00: 23: 50160 -> 00: 23: 52469 فمن الأفضل أن يكون هناك عدة لوحات. 371 00: 23: 52680 -> 00: 23: 56798 على سبيل المثال، لموجات صغيرة، مجلس طويل في أحسن الأحوال. 372 00: 23: 56960 -> 00: 24: 00077 ولكن إذا كنت تريد أن تفعل الحيل قليلة ... 373 00: 24: 00240 -> 00: 24: 02595 لست متأكدا أريد القيام به الحيل. 374 00: 24: 02760 -> 00: 24: 04512 لا، كان مجرد مثال. 375 00: 24: 04680 -> 00: 24: 08468 ولكن إذا كنت تريد أن تفعل FEW الحيل، لوحة صغيرة في أفضل تراه.؟ 376 00: 24: 08640 -> 00: 24: 09516 نعم، وأنا انظر. 377 00: 24: 10،600 -> 00: 24: 13068 يبدو سخيف ولكن لديك ل نبدأ من مكان ما. 378 00: 24: 13،240 -> 00: 24: 15879 كنت قد حصلت على شيء على وجهك. 379 00: 24: 16720 -> 00: 24: 18233 . ومع عقد 380 00: 24: 21،000 - -> 00: 24: 22228 يشبه كريم. 381 00: 24: 22،400 -> 00: 24: 23469 هذا كل شيء. 382 00: 24: 25880 -> 00: 24: 29395 ؟ آسف، لكن هذا يزعجك 383 00: 24: 29560 -> 00: 24: 31118 لا، لا، لا على الاطلاق. 384 00: 24: 32،600 -> 00: 24: 35876 إذا كنت قد حصلت على شيء على وجهي أنا أفضل أن يقال. 385 00: 24: 36،400 -> 00: 24: 38436 الناس يخافون من الكلام. 386 00: 24: 38،800 -> 00: 24: 41030 أنا أفضل أن يقال ... 387 00: 24: 41،200 - -> 00: 24: 42872 لذلك أنا لن تبدو سخيفة. 388 00: 24: 44،200 -> 00: 24: 47237 الرغم من أنني لا يعني بدا سخيف لك ... 389 00: 24: 47760 -> 00: 24: 50320 تعلمون، عندما كنت قد حصلت على وجهك المخاط 390 00: 24: 50480 -> 00: 24: 53870 والجميع يمكن أن نرى ذلك ولكنهم يخشون أن أقول لكم، 391 00:24: 54040 -> 00: 24: 55996 وكنت هناك في الجبهة من الجميع ... 392 00: 24: 56120 -> 00: 24: 58759 حسنا، أنا أفضل . أن يقال عن ذلك 393 00:25: 02640 -> 00: 25: 04676 لا تفضل أن يقال؟ 394 00: 25: 06640 -> 00: 25: 10553 - نعم، بالتأكيد نحن نفضل أن يقال .. - على أي حال ... 395 00 : 25: 10720 -> 00: 25: 13871 ونحن قد حصلت على جليسة الأطفال في، لذلك نحن Better'd أن يحدث. 396 00: 25: 15،120 -> 00: 25: 17190 - اسمحوا لي علاج - لا، سنذهب نصفين. 397 00: 25: 25،360 -> 00: 25: 26270 انه لطيف. 398 00: 25: 27،200 -> 00: 25: 28235 حسنا ... 399 00: 25: 29،200 -> 00: 25: 30155 ما الوقت هل فتح؟ 400 00: 25: 30320 -> 00: 25: 31833 - في وقت متأخر. - في وقت متأخر، أليس كذلك؟ 401 00: 25: 32،000 -> 00: 25: 34، 116 - وأنت 'إعادة في عطلة. - لا بأس من البيانات. 402 00: 25: 34280 -> 00: 25: 36396 - هذا وهذا ثم مرحبا .. - مرحبا 403 00: 25: 36560 -> 00: 25: 39472 I يطلب منك جميع و العودة إلى مكاني لشرب. 404 00: 25: 39640 -> 00: 25: 40709 نحن ذاهبون المنزل. 405 00: 25: 40880 -> 00: 25: 44031 - ليس هناك عجل ريال مدريد . - كنت في عطلة، كما تعلمون. 406 00: 25: 44160 -> 00: 25: 45354 - يأتي بعد ذلك؟ - جيد. 407 00: 25: 46160 -> 00: 25: 49709 سآخذ آنا . في سيارتي أنت تعرف الطريق، لذلك اذهب مع دانيال. 408 00: 25: 49840 -> 00: 25: 52195 نراكم في مكاني. وداعا. 409 00: 25: 54160 -> 00: 25: 55،798 أين سيارتك؟ 410 00: 25: 57760 -> 00: 25: 59193 السيارة؟ 411 00: 25: 59840 -> 00: 26: 02115 أعتقد تركها . بالقرب من الواجهة البحرية 412 00: 26: 02520 -> 00: 26: 04033 دعونا يذهب بهذه الطريقة ثم. 413 00: 26: 04200 -> 00: 26: 05872 كنت تتبع الولايات المتحدة في سيارتك. 414 00: 26: 06320 -> 00: 26: 07435 حسنا . 415 00: 26: 27040 -> 00: 26: 28109 أنا في حاجة الى بول. 416 00: 26: 28560 -> 00: 26: 29788 ماذا 417 00: 26: 30080 -> 00: 26: 31115 أنا في حاجة الى بول. 418 00: 26: 33920 -> 00: 26: 36718 لا يمكن كنت على عقد قليلا؟ 419 00: 26: 37520 -> 00: 26: 38839 لا، أنا لا أعتقد أنني CAN. 420 00: 26: 41680 -> 00: 26: 42829 الشال أتوقف؟ 421 00: 26: 43440 -> 00: 26: 44759 نعم، من فضلك. 422 00: 26: 51360 -> 00:26 : 52713 شيت! 423 00: 26: 54680 -> 00: 26: 55749 ما ...؟ 424 00: 26: 56440 -> 00: 26: 57953 ما اللعنة! 425 00: 26: 59200 - > 00: 27: 02590 الداعر النذل ابن العاهرة السيارات! 426 00: 27: 09760 -> 00: 27: 10988 لقد جعلك شرب. 427 00: 27: 11،160 -> 00: 27: 12559 ويسكي، الجن ومنشط ... 428 00: 27: 12،720 -> 00: 27: 15359 لقد كان لها الكثير من النبيذ. مجرد المياه منشط. 429 00: 27: 15،520 -> 00: 27: 18،432 . لا يخيب البيانات يجب تناول مشروب. 430 00: 27: 18،600 -> 00: 27: 20716 مجرد المياه منشط، شكرا. 431 00: 27: 21،440 -> 00: 27: 23078 هذا الجن و غير ضارة منشط ل. 432 00: 27: 23320 -> 00: 27: 25914 - غير ضارة؟ - تماما. 433 00: 27: 53280 -> 00: 27: 55589 ؟ حصلت على الأنسجة . إلى الجافة مع نفسي 434 00:27 : 55760 -> 00: 27: 58069 ربما في علبة القفازات. 435 00: 27: 58240 -> 00: 27: 59992 - هنا - شكرا. 436 00: 28: 09800 -> 00: 28: 11358 . دعونا ننظر في البحر لمدة دقيقة 437 00: 28: 11،520 -> 00: 28: 13715 - انها جميلة - البحر نعم؟. 438 00: 28: 28،160 -> 00: 28: 32،199 هل الرجال مثل مشاهدة الفتيات عندما يكونون التبول؟ 439 00: 28: 33،120 -> 00: 28: 34030 ماذا؟ 440 00: 28: 37،200 -> 00: 28: 38792 . حسنا ... أنا لا أعرف 441 00: 28: 39440 -> 00: 28: 41271 لا، أعني 442 00: 28: 41520 -> 00: 28: 44956 بدوره يفعل عليك أو هل تعتقد انها مقرف؟ 443 00: 28: 46280 -> 00: 28: 47633 ربما. 444 00: 28: 47880 -> 00: 28: 48949 ربما ماذا؟ 445 00: 28: 49440 -> 00: 28: 52750 حسنا ... ربما ... 446 00:28 : 52920 -> 00: 28: 54638 الولايات المتحدة ربما يتحول على، أعني. 447 00: 28: 57،600 -> 00: 28: 59909 هل سبق لك أن شاهدت انا وجود بول، 448 00: 29: 00040 - > 00: 29: 02554 عندما كانت تجلس على المرحاض؟ 449 00: 29: 02720 -> 00: 29: 06508 ، وأنا لا أعرف، أنا افترض ذلك . لا أتذكر 450 00: 29: 06840 -> 00: 29: 09638 - الأشياء التي أقول ... - انها مجرد أن 451 00: 29: 10160 -> 00: 29: 12594 أحب الحديث عن أشياء من هذا القبيل. 452 00: 29: 13880 - > 00: 29: 17077 - الحديث عن الأمور التي لا تفعل ذلك. - لا، لم يفعلوا ذلك. 453 00: 29: 17،800 -> 00: 29: 19438 لا يوجد حتى الرجال فيما بينهم؟ 454 00: 29: 21760 - -> 00: 29: 23637 أحيانا ربما. 455 00: 29: 29240 -> 00: 29: 33313 ؟ - هل شوفني التبول ؟ - البيانات رقم لماذا تسأل؟ 456 00: 29: 33،760 -> 00: 29: 34636 رقم 457 00: 29: 37،600 -> 00: 29: 39511 جميل البحر، وليس ذلك؟ 458 00: 29: 40،040 -> 00: 29: 41029 نعم، هو جميل. 459 00: 29: 47320 -> 00: 29: 48799 لقد كانت متزوجة 8 سنوات؟ 460 00: 29: 49560 -> 00: 29: 53997 تقريبا تسعة، على الرغم من أننا قد عاش . معا لمدة أحد عشر 461 00: 29: 54760 -> 00: 29: 57354 - هل أنت متزوج؟ - رقم مطلق. 462 00: 29: 57800 -> 00: 29: 59199 مارتا يخبرك الطلاء عني. 463 00: 29: 59360 - -> 00: 30: 02636 حسنا، نعم ... ما أنا محبط يسمونه الرسام. 464 00: 30: 02800 -> 00: 30: 06588 . وكما أعلم يقولون، "إذا كنت تعرف كيف، كنت لا تعلم و ... " 465 00: 30: 06760 -> 00: 30: 08557 "إذا كنت لا تعرف كيف، لك تدريس.909 هل سبق لك أن شاهدت انا وجود بول، 448 00: 29: 00040 -> 00: 29: 02554 عندما كانت تجلس على المرحاض؟ 449 00: 29: 02720 -> 00: 29: 06508 أنا لا أعرف، أنا أفترض ذلك. لا يمكنني أن أتذكر. 450 00: 29: 06840 -> 00: 29: 09638 - الأشياء التي أقول ... - انها مجرد أن 451 00: 29: 10160 -> 00:29 : 12594 أحب الحديث عن أشياء من هذا القبيل. 452 00: 29: 13880 -> 00: 29: 17077 - الحديث عن الأمور التي لا تفعل ذلك. - لا، لم يفعلوا ذلك. 453 00: 29: 17،800 -> 00: 29: 19438 لا يوجد حتى الرجال فيما بينهم؟ 454 00: 29: 21760 -> 00: 29: 23637 أحيانا ربما. 455 00: 29: 29240 -> 00: 29: 33313 ؟ - هل شوفني التبول - ؟ رقم لماذا تسأل عني؟ 456 00: 29: 33،760 -> 00: 29: 34636 رقم 457 00: 29: 37،600 -> 00: 29: 39511 ؟ جميل البحر، وليس هو 458 00 : 29: 40،040 -> 00: 29: 41029 نعم، هو جميل. 459 00: 29: 47320 -> 00: 29: 48799 لقد كانت متزوجة 8 سنوات؟ 460 00: 29: 49560 -> 00 : 29: 53997 تقريبا تسعة، على الرغم من أننا قد عاش معا لمدة أحد عشر. 461 00: 29: 54760 -> 00: 29: 57354 - هل أنت متزوج؟ - رقم مطلق. 462 00: 29: 57800 -> 00: 29: 59199 مارتا يخبرك الطلاء عني. 463 00: 29: 59360 -> 00: 30: 02636 حسنا، نعم ... ما أنا محبط يسمونه الرسام. 464 00: 30: 02800 -> 00: 30: 06588 وكما أعلم يقولون، "إذا كنت تعرف. كيف، أنت لا تعلم و ... " 465 00: 30: 06760 -> 00: 30: 08557 "إذا كنت لا تعرف كيف ، كنت تعلم.909 هل سبق لك أن شاهدت انا وجود بول، 448 00: 29: 00040 -> 00: 29: 02554 عندما كانت تجلس على المرحاض؟ 449 00: 29: 02720 -> 00: 29: 06508 أنا لا أعرف، أنا أفترض ذلك. لا يمكنني أن أتذكر. 450 00: 29: 06840 -> 00: 29: 09638 - الأشياء التي أقول ... - انها مجرد أن 451 00: 29: 10160 -> 00:29 : 12594 أحب الحديث عن أشياء من هذا القبيل. 452 00: 29: 13880 -> 00: 29: 17077 - الحديث عن الأمور التي لا تفعل ذلك. - لا، لم يفعلوا ذلك. 453 00: 29: 17،800 -> 00: 29: 19438 لا يوجد حتى الرجال فيما بينهم؟ 454 00: 29: 21760 -> 00: 29: 23637 أحيانا ربما. 455 00: 29: 29240 -> 00: 29: 33313 ؟ - هل شوفني التبول - ؟ رقم لماذا تسأل عني؟ 456 00: 29: 33،760 -> 00: 29: 34636 رقم 457 00: 29: 37،600 -> 00: 29: 39511 ؟ جميل البحر، وليس هو 458 00 : 29: 40،040 -> 00: 29: 41029 نعم، هو جميل. 459 00: 29: 47320 -> 00: 29: 48799 لقد كانت متزوجة 8 سنوات؟ 460 00: 29: 49560 -> 00 : 29: 53997 تقريبا تسعة، على الرغم من أننا قد عاش معا لمدة أحد عشر. 461 00: 29: 54760 -> 00: 29: 57354 - هل أنت متزوج؟ - رقم مطلق. 462 00: 29: 57800 -> 00: 29: 59199 مارتا يخبرك الطلاء عني. 463 00: 29: 59360 -> 00: 30: 02636 حسنا، نعم ... ما أنا محبط يسمونه الرسام. 464 00: 30: 02800 -> 00: 30: 06588 وكما أعلم يقولون، "إذا كنت تعرف. كيف، أنت لا تعلم و ... " 465 00: 30: 06760 -> 00: 30: 08557 "إذا كنت لا تعرف كيف ، كنت تعلم.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 3:[نسخ]
00:20:50,560 -- > 00:20: 51,470
أنا آسف "

00:20:52,560 -- > 00:20: 54,232
كنت أتحدث مع روبرت "

00:20:57,040 -- > 00:20: 59,156
كنت قلقا قليلا "

00:21:02,720 -- > 00:21: 03,869
أنا آسف. فعلا "

00:21:04,560 -- > 00:21: 05,754
لي بعض المشروبات أيضا

321 00:21:05,920 -- > 00:21: 07,592
أرى "

00:21:08,520 -- > 00:21: 09,839
هو ملحوظ جدا ؟

00: 21:// فرانكفورتر الجماينه تسيتونج // : -- > 10,600 00:21: 13,398
و يمكن أن تخبرني
لأنك نسيت Mobile.324

00:21:13,960 -- > 00:21: 16,394
فما فائدة يمكنك من الثريا ؟

325 00: 21:16,960 -- > 00:21: 18,996
لقد أفسد فترة بعد الظهيرة "

00:21:22,480 -- > 00:21: 25,040
- ماذا تفعل ؟
على الانتظار "

00:21:27,520 -- > 00:21: 29,715
Manu على منقوع الاستحمام الكلب "

00:21:30,360 -- > 00:21: 32 و
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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