38000:25:13,540 --> 00:25:16,604which they will beas soon they put pre ترجمة - 38000:25:13,540 --> 00:25:16,604which they will beas soon they put pre العربية كيف أقول

38000:25:13,540 --> 00:25:16,604whi

00:25:13,540 --> 00:25:16,604
which they will be
as soon they put pressure on Marcus.

00:25:16,624 --> 00:25:18,436
- Tom.
- Ready.

00:25:18,622 --> 00:25:21,847
Hallie, we're going
to get him out.

00:25:29,722 --> 00:25:31,990
- They'll never let him go.
- Yeah. Hope for the best,

00:25:32,025 --> 00:25:34,059

00:25:34,453 --> 00:25:36,264
just in case...

00:25:42,101 --> 00:25:44,818
We've got an extraction plan for the

00:25:44,838 --> 00:25:47,873
Raoul's working with MI-9 in Madrid.

00:25:47,907 --> 00:25:50,122
And the American
recruits are here.

00:25:50,142 --> 00:25:52,333
They came with
the Brigadier General.

00:25:52,655 --> 00:25:54,246
Ned Butler's with them?

00:25:54,280 --> 00:25:57,816
He didn't mention a visit.
This is about Nightingale.

00:25:59,778 --> 00:26:02,387
- Brigadier General.
- Ned, c'mon now!

00:26:02,823 --> 00:26:05,458
Here they are.
Ready for your worst.

00:26:05,478 --> 00:26:09,070
Gentlemen, this is Krystina. She and
her girls will keep you safe in the field.

00:26:09,090 --> 00:26:10,762
If you get that far.

00:26:10,797 --> 00:26:13,213
Let's sign the Secrets Act,
I'll show you to your quarters,

00:26:13,233 --> 00:26:16,117
the mess hall, get you fed.
You boys like steak?

00:26:16,137 --> 00:26:16,903

00:26:16,923 --> 00:26:19,355
- Welcome to Camp X.
- Follow me.

00:26:25,392 --> 00:26:27,112
It's after five.

00:26:47,000 --> 00:26:49,847
Bonjour, monsieur.
I am Jules Bonnet,

00:26:49,867 --> 00:26:53,218
for M. and Mme Favreau.

00:27:05,833 --> 00:27:07,310

00:27:17,430 --> 00:27:21,080
M. and Mme Favreau, I'm Jules
Bonnet, your legal representative.

00:27:21,249 --> 00:27:24,303
I've spoken to the police,
and you'll be released shortly.

00:27:24,337 --> 00:27:27,739
- Thank you.
- There was another person with us.

00:27:27,774 --> 00:27:31,343
I'm afraid I cannot take on
another client at this time.

00:27:31,377 --> 00:27:34,262
But he can't be left behind.

00:27:34,282 --> 00:27:37,382
- You understand.
- Yes.

00:27:38,298 --> 00:27:40,996
Perhaps you can provide him

00:27:41,016 --> 00:27:42,854
with some consolation
in his hardship.

00:27:42,889 --> 00:27:46,625
Some comfort. Some peace.

00:27:51,905 --> 00:27:55,293
There will be some forms
to sign for your release.

00:27:55,591 --> 00:27:57,703
I shouldn't be longer

00:27:57,737 --> 00:27:59,738
than a half hour.

00:28:07,420 --> 00:28:09,648

00:28:28,954 --> 00:28:30,728
I can't disclose anything.

00:28:30,748 --> 00:28:33,855
Except to say that we're doing
our unmost to protect Nightingale.

00:28:34,290 --> 00:28:34,885

00:28:34,929 --> 00:28:38,186
Oh, don't t get me wrog, we're not happy.
London's overstepped the mark,

00:28:38,206 --> 00:28:41,601
but that's kind of what they do.
It's good you keep their counsel.

00:28:41,636 --> 00:28:45,112
It means you'll keep ours.
We have a possible new asset

00:28:45,132 --> 00:28:47,656
in the Vichy
Administration zone.

00:28:47,676 --> 00:28:51,789
A mayor, from a town by
a very important railway line

00:28:51,809 --> 00:28:54,080
in St. Antoine.

00:28:54,115 --> 00:28:55,867
- Interesting.
- Protocol says

00:28:55,887 --> 00:28:58,251
that we contact London,

00:28:58,271 --> 00:29:00,487
but you're the one
who has our confidence.

00:29:01,111 --> 00:29:03,457
It's why we send you our boys
until we get set up.

00:29:03,477 --> 00:29:06,126
Thank you. Come in.

00:29:07,341 --> 00:29:10,096
Well, there you are, darlin'.
My boys treat you right?

00:29:10,131 --> 00:29:14,267
They did. Mike told me the name of the
guy who recruited him. Steve mentioned

00:29:14,302 --> 00:29:17,018
he's got a police record in Oregon.
He's surprised you didn't catch it.

00:29:17,038 --> 00:29:20,173
And Jay says his brother's unit
is heading to North Africa?

00:29:20,208 --> 00:29:24,311
Americans are a very
friendly people.

00:29:24,345 --> 00:29:28,537
To a fault. Message received.
We will work on that.

00:29:29,021 --> 00:29:31,955
- Well, it's good to meet you at last.
- You as well.

00:29:31,975 --> 00:29:34,921
She don't get scared.

00:29:35,690 --> 00:29:38,258
Not Hallie.
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
38000:25:13,540 --> 00:25:16,604which they will beas soon they put pressure on Marcus.38100:25:16,624 --> 00:25:18,436- Tom.- Ready.38200:25:18,622 --> 00:25:21,847Hallie, we're goingto get him out.38300:25:29,722 --> 00:25:31,990- They'll never let him go.- Yeah. Hope for the best,38400:25:32,025 --> 00:25:34,059but...38500:25:34,453 --> 00:25:36,264just in case...38600:25:42,101 --> 00:25:44,818We've got an extraction plan for thebombardier.38700:25:44,838 --> 00:25:47,873Raoul's working with MI-9 in Madrid.38800:25:47,907 --> 00:25:50,122And the Americanrecruits are here.38900:25:50,142 --> 00:25:52,333They came withthe Brigadier General.39000:25:52,655 --> 00:25:54,246Ned Butler's with them?39100:25:54,280 --> 00:25:57,816He didn't mention a visit.This is about Nightingale.39200:25:59,778 --> 00:26:02,387- Brigadier General.- Ned, c'mon now!39300:26:02,823 --> 00:26:05,458Here they are.Ready for your worst.39400:26:05,478 --> 00:26:09,070Gentlemen, this is Krystina. She andher girls will keep you safe in the field.39500:26:09,090 --> 00:26:10,762If you get that far.39600:26:10,797 --> 00:26:13,213Let's sign the Secrets Act,I'll show you to your quarters,39700:26:13,233 --> 00:26:16,117the mess hall, get you fed.You boys like steak?39800:26:16,137 --> 00:26:16,903Yeah!39900:26:16,923 --> 00:26:19,355- Welcome to Camp X.- Follow me.40000:26:25,392 --> 00:26:27,112It's after five.40100:26:47,000 --> 00:26:49,847Bonjour, monsieur.I am Jules Bonnet,40200:26:49,867 --> 00:26:53,218for M. and Mme Favreau.40300:27:05,833 --> 00:27:07,310Non.40400:27:17,430 --> 00:27:21,080M. and Mme Favreau, I'm JulesBonnet, your legal representative.40500:27:21,249 --> 00:27:24,303I've spoken to the police,and you'll be released shortly.40600:27:24,337 --> 00:27:27,739- Thank you.- There was another person with us.40700:27:27,774 --> 00:27:31,343I'm afraid I cannot take onanother client at this time.40800:27:31,377 --> 00:27:34,262But he can't be left behind.40900:27:34,282 --> 00:27:37,382- You understand.- Yes.41000:27:38,298 --> 00:27:40,996Perhaps you can provide him41100:27:41,016 --> 00:27:42,854with some consolationin his hardship.41200:27:42,889 --> 00:27:46,625Some comfort. Some peace.41300:27:51,905 --> 00:27:55,293There will be some formsto sign for your release.41400:27:55,591 --> 00:27:57,703I shouldn't be longer41500:27:57,737 --> 00:27:59,738than a half hour.41600:28:07,420 --> 00:28:09,648Bijou.41700:28:28,954 --> 00:28:30,728I can't disclose anything.41800:28:30,748 --> 00:28:33,855Except to say that we're doingour unmost to protect Nightingale.41900:28:34,290 --> 00:28:34,885Good.42000:28:34,929 --> 00:28:38,186Oh, don't t get me wrog, we're not happy.London's overstepped the mark,42100:28:38,206 --> 00:28:41,601but that's kind of what they do.It's good you keep their counsel.42200:28:41,636 --> 00:28:45,112It means you'll keep ours.We have a possible new asset42300:28:45,132 --> 00:28:47,656in the VichyAdministration zone.42400:28:47,676 --> 00:28:51,789A mayor, from a town bya very important railway line42500:28:51,809 --> 00:28:54,080in St. Antoine.42600:28:54,115 --> 00:28:55,867- Interesting.- Protocol says42700:28:55,887 --> 00:28:58,251that we contact London,42800:28:58,271 --> 00:29:00,487but you're the onewho has our confidence.42900:29:01,111 --> 00:29:03,457It's why we send you our boysuntil we get set up.43000:29:03,477 --> 00:29:06,126Thank you. Come in.43100:29:07,341 --> 00:29:10,096Well, there you are, darlin'.My boys treat you right?43200:29:10,131 --> 00:29:14,267They did. Mike told me the name of theguy who recruited him. Steve mentioned43300:29:14,302 --> 00:29:17,018he's got a police record in Oregon.He's surprised you didn't catch it.43400:29:17,038 --> 00:29:20,173And Jay says his brother's unitis heading to North Africa?43500:29:20,208 --> 00:29:24,311Americans are a veryfriendly people.43600:29:24,345 --> 00:29:28,537To a fault. Message received.We will work on that.43700:29:29,021 --> 00:29:31,955- Well, it's good to meet you at last.
- You as well.

00:29:31,975 --> 00:29:34,921
She don't get scared.

00:29:35,690 --> 00:29:38,258
Not Hallie.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 3:[نسخ]
38000: 25: 13540 -- > 00: 25: 16604which they will beas soon they put pressure on ماركوس.38100: 25: 16624 -- > 00: 25: 18436- توم -- جاهز -38200: 25: 18622 -- > 00: 25: 21847Hallie، we "re goingto get him out.38300: 25: 29722 -- > 00: 25: 31990- They "ll never let him go.......- نعم -Hope for the best،38400: 25: 32025 -- > 00: 25: 34059ولكن...38500: 25: 34453 -- > 00: 25: 36264just in case.38600: 25: 42101 -- > 00: 25: 44818We "ve got an extraction plan for thebombardier.38700: 25: 44838 -- > 00: 25: 47873راؤول "s working with MI-9 in Madrid.38800: 25: 47907 -- > 00: 25: 50122And the Americanrecruits are here.38900: 25: 50142 -- > 00: 25: 52333They came withthe Brigadier General.39000: 25: 52655 -- > 00: 25: على الصعيديننيد بتلر "s with them.39100: 25: 54280 -- > 00: 25: 57816He didn "t mention a visit.This is about العندليب.39200: 25: 59778 -- > 00: 26: 02387- العميد General.- نيد، هيا الآن!39300: 26: 02823 -- > 00: 26: 05458Here they are.Ready for your worst.39400: 26: 05478 -- > 00: 26: 09070منذ, this is Krystina.انها andher girls will keep you safe in the field.39500: 26: 09090 -- > 00: 26: 10762If you get that far.39600: 26: 10797 -- > 00: 26: 13213Let "s sign the Secrets Act,I "ll show you to your quarters،39700: 26: 13233 -- > 00: 26: 16117the mess hall get you ".You الأولاد مثل ستيك؟39800: 26: 16137 -- > 00: 26: 16903نعم!39900: 26: 16923 -- > 00: 26: 19355س - Welcome to كامب.- متابعة me.......40000: 26: 25392 -- > 00: 26: 27112It "s after five.40100: 26: 47, 000 -- > 00: 26: 49847صباح الخير، monsieur.I am جول بونيه،40200: 26: 49867 -- > 00: 26: 53218for M. and Mme فافرو.40300: 27: 05833 -- > 00: 27: 07310Non -40400: 27: 17430 -- > 00: 27: 21080M. and Mme فافرو، I "m جولبونيه، your legal representative.40500: 27: 21249 -- > 00: 27: 24303I "ve تحدث to the police,and you "ll be released shortly.40600: 27: 24337 -- > 00: 27: 27739- شكرا -- There was another person with us.40700: 27: 27774 -- > 00: 27: 31343I "m تخاف I cannot take onالعميل at this time another.40800: 27: 31377 -- > 00: 27: 34262But he can "t be left behind.40900: 27: 34282 -- > 00: 27: 37382- You understand.- نعم -41000: 27: 38298 -- > 00: 27: 40996Perhaps you can provide له41100: 27: 41016 -- > 00: 27: 42854with some consolationin his hardship.41200: 27: 42889 -- > 00: 27: 46625Some comfort.Some peace.41300: 27: 51905 -- > 00: 27: 55293There will be some formsto sign for your release.41400: 27: 55591 -- > 00: 27: 57703I shouldn "t be longer41500: 27: 57737 -- > 00: 27: 59738than a half hour.41600: 28: 07420 -- > 00: 28: 09648Bijou.41700: 28: 28954 -- > 00: 28: 30728I can "t العام أي شيء.41800: 28: 30748 -- > 00: 28: 33855Except to say that we "re doingunmost to protect our العندليب.41900: 28: 34290 -- > 00: 28: 34885Good.42000: 28: 34929 -- > 00: 28: 38186أوه، don "t get me wrog ر، we" re not وهابي.......London "s overstepped the مارك،42100: 28: 38206 -- > 00: 28: 41601but that "s kind of what they do.It "s good you keep their counsel.42200: 28: 41636 -- > 00: 28: 45112It means you "ll keep لنا.We have a possible new asset42300: 28: 45132 -- > 00: 28: 47656in the فيشيAdministration zone.42400: 28: 47676 -- > 00: 28: 51789A mayor, from a town bya very important الربيع خط42500: 28: 51809 -- > 00: 28: 54080in سانت انطوان.42600: 28: 54115 -- > 00: 28: 55867- Interesting.- Protocol says42700: 28: 55887 -- > 00: 28: 58251that we contact London,42800: 28: 58271 -- > 00: 29: 00487but you "re the onewho has our الثقة.42900: 29: 01111 -- > 00: 29: 03457It "s why we send you our الأولادuntil we get set up.43000: 29: 03477 -- > 00: 29: 06126شكرا.......تعال في.43100: 29: 07341 -- > 00: 29: 10096Well, there you are، حبيبتي.......بلدي الأولاد treat you right؟43200: 29: 10131 -- > 00: 29: 14267They did.مايك told me the name of theالرجل who recruited له.ستيف mentioned43300: 29: 14302 -- > 00: 29: 17018he "s got a police record in أوريغون.He "s بول you didn" t catch it.43400: 29: 17038 -- > 00: 29: 20173And جاي says his brother "s unitهو عنوان to North Africa؟43500: 29: 20208 -- > 00: 29: 24311Americans are a veryودية people.43600: 29: 24345 -- > 00: 29: 28537To a خطأ.Message received.We will work on that.43700: 29: 29021 -- > 00: 29: 31955- Well, it "s good to meet you at Last.- You as well.43800: 29: 31975 -- > 00: 29: 34921انها don "t get فوستر.43900: 29: 35690 -- > 00: 29: 38258Not Hallie.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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